Cayenne Pepper

“If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.”

Dr Richard Schulze

Dr John R. Christopher once said: “In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in--if they are still breathing--I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around). This is one of the fastest acting aids we could ever give to the heart because it feeds that heart immediately……The warm tea is faster working than tablets, capsules or cold tea because the warm tea opens up the cell structure--makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster, and it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and feeds it in powerful food.” Just make sure you add this spice into your first aid kit and you are ready to go anytime. (1)

Its role in Cardiovascular health is significant. It is incredibly nourishing to the heart and has been known to STOP a heart attack within 30 seconds. How amazing is that??? It also keeps blood pressure levels normalized and helps the body lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps to clear away artery-narrowing lipid deposits, and dilates arteries and blood vessels to clear away clots, and therefore preventing blood clotting.

Based on a study published in April, 2005, issue of Innovations Report, capsaicin (the active ingredient in cayenne pepper) is a potent anticancer agent, that induces apoptosis in cancer cells and produces no significant damage to normal pancreatic cells, indicating its potential use as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for pancreatic cancer.

In an article published in Reuters on March 16, 2006, Dr Soren Lehmann ( Cedars -Sinai Medical Center and UCLA School of Medicine) stated: “Capsaicin caused 80% of the prostate cancer cells growing in mice commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis.” (2)

To say no more Cayenne pepper is high in vitamins A, C, B complex, Calcium and Potassium

Studies have shown that it contributes to a healthy digestion by stimulating the flow of enzyme production, which is essential for our digestive system to work properly and the gastric juices that aid the body’s ability to metabolize food and toxins. It can also rebuild the tissues in the stomach and peristaltic action in the intestines.

It effectively suppresses hunger, boosts metabolism balances blood glucose levels, and hence contributes to weight loss.

It is also a natural remedy for flu and colds. It warms up the body and stimulates the release of mucous from the respiratory passages and therefore clears the sinuses and causes sweating.

You can find it fresh, dried or powdered. Use it in your recipes, drink it as a tea, sprinkle it on your salads, add it to your soups and stews or even take it as a capsule !! The benefits are countless!!!!


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